[DETROIT, Michigan– August [6], 2020] President Trump has added additional duties on US aluminum imports.

Canada is the largest source of United States imports of non-alloyed unwrought aluminum, accounting for nearly two-thirds of total imports of these articles from all countries in 2019 and approximately 75 percent of total imports in the first five months of 2020.  The surge in imports of these articles from Canada coincides with a decrease in imports of these articles from other countries and threatens to harm domestic aluminum production and capacity utilization. In light of the Secretary’s information, I have determined that the measures agreed upon with Canada are not providing an effective alternative means to address the threatened impairment to our national security from imports of aluminum from Canada.  Thus, I have determined that it is necessary and appropriate to re-impose the 10 percent ad valorem tariff proclaimed in Proclamation 9704, as amended, on imports of non-alloyed unwrought aluminum articles from Canada, commensurate with the tariff imposed on such articles imported from most countries.

“I have determined that it is necessary and appropriate to re-impose the 10 percent ad valorem tariff proclaimed in Proclamation 9704, as amended, on imports on non-alloyed unwrought aluminium articles from Canada.”

-Donald Trump

The United States will continue to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the measures agreed upon with Canada in addressing our national security needs, including with respect to imports of other aluminum articles.  In particular, the United States will monitor for import surges of articles that continue to be exempt from the tariff proclaimed in Proclamation 9704, to ensure that exports of non-alloyed unwrought aluminum to the United States are not simply reoriented into increased exports of alloyed, further processed, or wrought aluminum articles.

Click here to read the full proclamation as published by The White House.

Unwrought Aluminium

Response to the proclamation

The Canadian government has responded with intentions to impose $3.6 billion in retaliatory tariffs after a 30-day consultation with business leaders and other Canadian officials. Read more here.

The federal government will spend one month consulting with Canadians about which U.S. metals products to target with retaliatory tariffs as a new trade dispute flares up with the Trump administration. “Canada will respond swiftly and strongly,” Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Friday. Canada’s list of potential targets threatens to hit politically sensitive areas — namely, states critical to U.S. President Donald Trump’s re-election.

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