[DETROIT, MI– NOVEMEBR 12th, 2021]

Countdown to CARM: Release 2

CARM Release 2 is approaching quickly and it is critical that Canadian Importers familiarize themselves with the process now in order to ensure there are no delays with shipments going forward. Release 2 will establish full functionality of the CARM Client Portal.

What changes can you expect?

  1. Mandatory CARM Participation: As of release 2, customs brokers will not be able to submit shipments on an Importer’s behalf until they have created a CARM account, and designated Cavalry as their broker.
  2. Changes to Release Prior to Payment: Release 2 will require Importers to post financial security with CBSA in order to participate in the Release Prior to Payment (RPP) Program. Importers will no longer be allowed to use the customs broker’s bond. Without RPP, CBSA will not release your shipments until you have provided them full payment for all duties and taxes.
  3. CAD to Replace B3 & B2: B3 Entry Summary and B2 Adjustment forms will be replaced by the Commercial Accounting Declaration (CAD). Along with the new form, Importers will be able to submit corrections to CAD submissions until the payment due date interest-free.
  4. New Billing Cycles: CBSA billing cycles and payment due dates will be harmonized. The new billing cycle will be from the 18th on month 1 until the 17th of month 2. Payment due dates for all entries will be 10 weekdays (inclusive of holidays) after the 17th of the month. These changes may require changes to Importers internal accounting procedures.



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Global demand for air cargo services well above pre-COVID-19 levels – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) recently released September 2021 cargo data, showing a 9.1% increase compared to that of September 2019. On the other hand, capacity remains constrained at 8.9% below pre-COVID-19 levels.

Upcoming U.S. anti-dumping measures on foreign thermal paper – The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) has determined that the U.S. industry of thermal paper is significantly hindered by imports of the same product from Germany, Japan, Korea and Spain subsequently sold in the U.S. at less than fair value.  The U.S. Department of Commerce will issue anti-dumping orders at a currently undetermined date, and USITC’s public report on the issue will be available by November 29th, 2021.

U.S. to allow fully-vaccinated, non-essential North American travelers to enter at land borders and ferry crossings – The U.S. has kept its shared land borders with Canada and Mexico closed to non-essential travel since of the start of the pandemic in March 2020, but starting November 8th 2021, for the first time in 19 months, individuals from Mexico and Canada will be able to enter the US with appropriate proof of full-vaccination.

CBP issues withhold release order on tomatoes produced by a certain Mexico farm – Due to the use of forced labor and other various abusive working conditions by farms Agropecuarios Tom S.A. de C.V., and Horticola S.A de C.V., and their subsidiaries, CBP will detain import of fresh tomatoes produced here at all ports of entry effective October 21st 2021.

Global services trade recovering but below pre-pandemic levels, WTO barometer indicates: The recovery in global services trade looks set to extend into the third quarter of 2021. However, expansion could proceed along a lower trajectory if the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic turns out to be long-lasting, the WTO’s Services Trade Barometer released on 23 September indicates.

CBSA seeks consultation on measures to strengthen Canada’s trade remedy system: Canada’s trade remedy system provides recourse to Canadian producers injured, or threatened to be injured, by dumped or subsidized imports, or by a surge in imports. The government is seeking stakeholder views with respect to potential amendments to the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (CITT Act)

CBSA updated findings on upholstered domestic furniture from China & Vietnam: CBSA published updated findings from their SIMA investigation into dumping and subsidy on upholstered domestic furniture products from China and Vietnam.

Strong Cargo Demand Continues in July: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released July 2021 data for global air cargo markets showing that demand continued its strong growth trend.

Get in touch with us!

4444 Wyoming Ave. Detroit, Michigan 48216 | Phone: 313-965-8299 | Fax: 313-965-7399

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